Function Call |
Expected |
Actual |
OneWeekLater( date(2022,1,1) ) |
2022-01-08 |
OneWeekLater( date(2022,12,25) ) |
2023-01-01 |
OxfordComma( list() ) |
OxfordComma( list(“a”) ) |
a |
OxfordComma( list(“a”,”b”) ) |
a and b |
OxfordComma( list(“a”,”b”,”c”,”d” ) ) |
a, b, c, and d |
MyTermInclusive( date(2021,12,31), date(2023,3,24) ) |
One Year,Two Months,Three
Weeks,Four Days |
MyTermExclusive( date(2021,12,31), date(2023,3,24) ) |
One Year,Two Months,Three Weeks,Three Days |
e() |
2.71828182845905 |
ln2() |
0.69314718055995 |
ln10() |
2.30258509299405 |
log2e() |
1.44269504088896 |
log10e() |
0.43429448190325 |
pi() |
3.14159265358979 |
sqrt1_2() |
0.70710678118655 |
sqrt2() |
1.4142135623731 |
abs( -0.123 ) |
0.123 |
cbrt( -1 ) |
-1 |
imul(3,4) |
12 |
max(-3,1) |
1 |
min(-3,1) |
-3 |
pow(7,-2) |
0.02040816326531 |
random() |
sign(-0.123) |
-1 |
sqrt(9) |
3 |
ceil(-1.001) |
-1 |
floor(-1.001) |
-2 |
fround(-5.05) |
-5.05000019073486 |
round(-5.05) |
-5.1 |
trunc(-5.05) |
-5 |
DegreesToRadians(180) |
3.14159265358979 |
RadiansToDegrees(3.14159265358979) |
179.99999999999983 |
acos(1) |
0 |
acosh(1) |
0 |
asin(1) |
1.5707963267949 |
asinh(1) |
0.88137358701954 |
atan(1) |
0.78539816339745 |
atanh(1) |
... |
cos(1) |
0.54030230586814 |
cosh(1) |
1.54308063481524 |
sin(1) |
0.8414709848079 |
sinh(1) |
1.1752011936438 |
tan(1) |
1.5574077246549 |
tanh(1) |
0.76159415595576 |
hypot(3,4,5) |
7.07106781186548 |
fv( 0.05, 120, 100, 10000, true ) |
-4219735.02657316066325 |
pv( 0.05, 120, 100, -4219735, true ) |
9999.99992383993049 |
nper( 0.05, 100, 10000, -4219735, true ) |
119.99999987099406 |
rate( 120, 100, 10000, -4219735, true ) |
0.00000596046448 |
pmt( 0.05, 120, 10000, -4219735, true ) |
99.9999963629059 |
ipmt( 0.05, 59, 120, 10000, -4219735, true ) |
-9662.14870862321186 |
ppmt( 0.05, 59, 120, 10000, -4219735, true ) |
9762.14870498611708 |
sln( 100, 10, 2 ) |
45 |
syd( 100, 10, 2, 1 ) |
60 |
db( 100, 10, 2, 1, 6 ) |
34.1886116991581 |
ddb( 100, 10, 2, 2, 1 ) |
50 |
vdb( 100, 10, 2, 1, 2, 1 ) |
50 |
… |
… |
… |
… |
… |
… |
Name |
Separator 1 |
Separator 2 |
Separator 3 |
Example |
Oxford Comma |
#, # |
# and # |
#, and # |
a, b, c, and d |
Name |
Years |
Months |
Weeks |
Days |
Example |
TermAll |
true |
true |
true |
true |
1 Year,2 Months,3 Weeks,4 Days |
The definition of each function is a computation.
Name |
Note |
Parameters |
Computation |
OneWeekLater |
week after the specified date |
date |
date, 7 ) |
OxfordComma |
the Oxford Comma format to a list of texts |
list |
list, "Oxford Comma" ) |
MyTermInclusive |
term between two dates (inclusive) using cardinal numbers |
, finish |
start, finish, "Term All + cardinal" ) |
MyTermExclusive |
term between two dates (exclusive) using cardinal numbers |
, finish |
start, AddDays( finish, -1 ) ) |
The definition of each function is a series of Javascript statements finishing with a return statement.
Name |
Note |
Parameters |
Javascript |
E |
return Math.E ; |
LN2 |
return Math.LN2 ; |
LN10 |
return Math.LN10 ; |
return Math.LOG2E ; |
LOG10E |
return Math.LOG10E ; |
PI |
return Math.PI ; |
SQRT1_2 |
return Math.SQRT1_2 ; |
return Math.SQRT2 ; |
abs |
a |
return Math.abs( a ) ; |
cbrt |
a |
return Math.cbrt( a ) ; |
imul |
a,b |
return Math.imul( a, b )
; |
max |
a,b |
return Math.max( a, b )
; |
min |
a,b |
return Math.min( a, b )
; |
pow |
a,b |
return Math.pow( a, b )
; |
random |
return Math.random() ; |
sign |
a |
return Math.sign( a ) ; |
sqrt |
a |
return Math.sqrt( a ) ; |
ceil |
a |
return Math.ceil( a ) ; |
floor |
a |
return Math.floor( a ) ; |
fround |
a |
return Math.fround( a )
; |
round |
a |
return Math.round( a ) ; |
trunc |
a |
return Math.trunc( a ) ; |
DegreesToRadians |
a |
return a * ( Math.PI /
180 ) ; |
RadiansToDegrees |
a |
return a / ( Math.PI /
180 ) ; |
acos |
a |
return Math.acos( a ) ; |
acosh |
a |
return Math.acosh( a ) ; |
asin |
a |
return Math.asin( a ) ; |
asinh |
a |
return Math.asinh( a ) ; |
atan |
a |
return Math.atan( a ) ; |
atanh |
a |
return Math.atanh( a ) ; |
cos |
a |
return Math.cos( a ) ; |
cosh |
a |
return Math.cosh( a ) ; |
sin |
a |
return Math.sin( a ) ; |
sinh |
a |
return Math.sinh( a ) ; |
tan |
a |
return Math.tan( a ) ; |
tanh |
a |
return Math.tanh( a ) ; |
hypot |
a,b,c |
return Math.hypot( a, b,
c ) ; |
Find solutions to the equations:
r > 0 : pv.(1
+ r)n + c.(1 + r.b).((1 + r) n - 1)/r + fv = 0
r = 0 : pv
+ c.n + fv = 0
pv the present value of a periodic investment
fv the future value of a periodic investment
n the number of periods (life) in a periodic investment
c the investment amount per period
r the interest rate per period
b true each investment is made at the beginning
of each period, or
false each investment is made at the end of
each period
Name |
Note |
Parameters |
Javascript |
fv |
future value of an investment |
r, n, c, pv, b |
var rn = Math.pow( ( 1 +
r ), n ) ; var rb = ( b ? r : 0 ) ; var fv = ( ( r <
0.000001 ) ? - ( pv + ( c * n ) ) : - ( ( pv * rn ) + ( c * ( 1 + rb
) * ( rn - 1 ) / r ) ) ) ; return fv ; |
pv |
present value that is required for an investment to reach a future value |
r, n, c, fv, b |
var rn = Math.pow( ( 1 +
r ), n ) ; var rb = ( b ? r : 0 ) ; var pv = ( ( r <
0.000001 ) ? - ( fv + ( c * n ) ) : - ( ( c * ( 1 + rb ) * ( rn - 1 )
/ r ) + fv ) / rn ) ; return pv ; |
nper |
number of periods required for an investment to grow from a present value to
a future value |
r, c, pv, fv, b |
var rb = ( b ? r : 0 ) ; var n = ( ( r < 0.000001 ) ? - (fv + pv) / c : Math.log( ( c * ( 1 + rb ) - ( fv
* r ) ) / ( c * ( 1 + rb ) + ( pv * r ) ) ) / Math.log( 1 + r ) ) ; return n ; |
rate |
interest rate required for an investment to grow from a present value to a
future value |
n, c, pv, fv, b |
var rmin = 0.00 ; var rmax = 100 ; var r ; var rn ; var rb ; var rf ; do { r
= rmax ; rn
= Math.pow( ( 1 + r ), n ) ; rb
= ( b ? r : 0 ) ; rf
= ( ( pv * rn ) + ( c * ( 1 + rb ) * ( rn - 1 ) / r ) + fv ) ; rmax = rmax / 2 ; } while ( rf >= 0 ) do { r =
( rmin + rmax ) / 2 ; rn = Math.pow( ( 1 + r ), n ) ; rb = ( b ? r : 0 ) ; rf = ( ( pv * rn ) + ( c * ( 1 + rb ) * (
rn - 1 ) / r ) + fv ) ; if ( rf < 0 ) { rmax = r ; } else { rmin = r ; } } while ( Math.abs( rf )
> 0.00001 && ( rmax - rmin ) > 0.00001 ) return r ; |
pmt |
periodic payment required for an investment to grow from a present value to
a future value |
r, n, pv, fv, b |
var rn = Math.pow( ( 1 +
r ), n ) ; var rb = ( b ? r : 0 ) ; var c = ( ( r < 0.000001 )
? - ( fv + pv ) / n : - ( ( fv + ( pv * rn ) ) * r / (
( 1 + rb ) * ( rn - 1 ) ) ) ) ; return c ; |
ipmt |
interest for a specific period in an investment series |
r, e, n, pv, fv, b |
if ( e <= 1 ) { return 0 ; } var rn = Math.pow( ( 1 +
r ), n ) ; var rb = ( b ? r : 0 ) ; var c = ( ( r < 0.000001 )
? - ( fv + pv ) / n : - ( ( fv + ( pv * rn ) ) * r / (
( 1 + rb ) * ( rn - 1 ) ) ) ) ; var i = c - ( c * Math.pow( ( 1 + r ), ( e - 1
) ) ) - ( pv * r * Math.pow( ( 1 + r ), ( e
- 1 - ( b ? 1 : 0 ) ) ) ) ; return i ; |
ppmt |
net periodic payment required for an investment to grow from a present value
to a future value, less the interest for the specified period |
r, e, n, pv, fv, b |
if ( e <= 1 ) { return 0 ; } var rn = Math.pow( ( 1 +
r ), n ) ; var rb = ( b ? r : 0 ) ; var c = ( ( r < 0.000001 )
? - ( fv + pv ) / n : - ( ( fv + ( pv * rn ) ) * r / (
( 1 + rb ) * ( rn - 1 ) ) ) ) ; var i = c - ( c * Math.pow( ( 1 + r ), ( e - 1
) ) ) - ( pv * r * Math.pow( ( 1 + r ), ( e
- 1 - ( b ? 1 : 0 ) ) ) ) ; return ( c - i ) ; |
Name |
Description |
Parameters |
Javascript |
Sln |
line |
cost, salvage, life |
return ( cost - salvage ) / life ; |
Syd |
of years |
cost, salvage, life, period |
return ( ( cost - salvage ) * ( life - period + 1 ) * 2 ) / ( life * ( life + 1 ) ) ; |
Db |
declining balance |
cost, salvage, life, period, months |
var rate = ( 1 - Math.pow( ( salvage / cost ), ( 1 / life ) ) ) ; // first year var totaldepreciation
= ( cost * rate * ( months / 12 ) ) ; if ( period > 1 ) { // intermediate years for ( var j = 2 ; j < period ; j ++ ) { totaldepreciation
+= ( ( cost - totaldepreciation ) * rate ) ; } // final year var finalyearproportion
= ( ( months !== 12 && period === life + 1 ) ? ( ( 12 - months ) / 12 ) : 1 ) ; totaldepreciation
= ( cost - totaldepreciation ) * rate * finalyearproportion ; } return totaldepreciation
; |
Ddb |
declining balance |
cost, salvage, life, period, factor |
return this.vdb( cost, salvage, life, ( period - 1 ), period, factor ) ; |
Vdb |
double declining balance |
cost, salvage, life, startperiod, finishperiod,
factor |
var startdepreciation
= 0 ; for ( var j = 0 ; j <
startperiod ; j ++ ) { var periodDepreciation
= Math.min( ( ( cost - startdepreciation ) * ( factor / life ) ), ( ( cost - startdepreciation ) - salvage
) ) ; startdepreciation
+= periodDepreciation
; } var totaldepreciation
= startdepreciation
; for ( var j = startperiod ; j < finishperiod ; j ++ ) { var perioddepreciation
= Math.min( ( ( cost - totaldepreciation ) * ( factor / life ) ), ( ( cost - totaldepreciation ) - salvage ) ) ; totaldepreciation
+= periodDepreciation
; } return totaldepreciation
- startdepreciation
; |
Name |
Description |
Parameters |
Javascript |
code is not Javascript |
variable a = 1 ; variable b = 2 ; returning a + b ; |
Javascript code does not return a value |
var a = 1 ; var b = 2 ; |
Javascript code throws an error |
return UnknownFunction()
; |
Javascript code contains a FOR loop that exceeds the maximum number of
iterations (1000) |
for ( var i = 0 ; i
<= 1001 ; i ++ ) { console.log( i ) ; } return 1234 ; |
Javascript code contains an infinite WHILE loop |
var j = 0 ; while ( true ) { console.log( j ) ; j ++ ; } return 1234 ; |
Javascript code contains an infinite DO loop |
var k = 0 ; do { console.log( k ) ; k ++ ; } while ( true ) return 1234 ; |
Row |
Column |
Cell |
Height |
HeightNoWording |
Width |
WidthNoWording |
Style |
Note |
single |
100% |
The row containing the wording |
single |
100% |
The column containing the wording |
Wording |
100% |
The wording of the document to be
assembled |
Group |
Setting |
Value |
Note |
Wording |
Visible |
true |
The wording is initially
visible |